EPSS 9 - Solar System and Planets

This is an exciting course in which we explore our solar system (planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and trans-Neptunian objects). We review the latest discoveries from ground-based telescopes and from spacecraft missions. We also cover general astronomical concepts relevant to the study of the solar system, exoplanets, prospects for life elsewhere, and the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence.

In the process we learn about the scientific method and develop critical thinking skills, guided by active learning exercises, in-class demonstrations, and discussion sections. We focus on conceptual understanding and do not rely on advanced mathematics.

Our team is motivated to help you learn in a fun environment. We use in-class polling to encourage active learning and participation.

Here is the moodle site for this course.

Our textbook is "The Cosmic Perspective - The Solar System" by Bennett et al. The bookstore will offer both a loose-leaf version and a bound version of the book. Pick the format that you prefer. Access codes for online material are NOT needed.

You may use editions 7, 6, or 5 of the textbook. The subset of the entire book, called "The Solar System", shown below, is sufficient.

If you want to read up on stars, galaxies, and cosmology, you can get the full version of the book , shown below, but that is not required for EPSS 9.